What are the best ways to save energy?
So you’ve recently bought your first home. It can seem like there’s loads of stuff you’re suddenly expected to know about saving energy. Don’t feel overwhelmed! Most of it’s pretty straightforward. Small changes can make a big difference in terms of energy efficiency, saving you money, keeping you comfortable and We’ve put together some of the things we’ve learned along the way that might prove helpful:
Insulate, insulate, insulate
There are so many insulation options to keep your home warm and make sure the money you spend on heating isn’t wasted. Cavity or solid wall insulation, external wall insulation and loft insulation can all greatly increase energy efficiency.
Swap to energy saving light bulbs
LED bulbs are great. They use 10% of the energy of a traditional incandescent bulb, and they last 40% longer. What are you waiting for?
Replace your old boiler
If your boiler is particularly old, it could be eating up energy. It could also be impossible to source replacement parts if it breaks. Updating your boiler could save you problems in the long run.
Buy an energy monitor
Energy monitors allow you to keep track easily of energy usage and spending and the data you gather may help you find the tariff that suits you best. Installing a smart heating system will cut your bills and make your usage easier to control. These gadgets allow you to turn heating up or down and schedule when you want it on or off from your phone, meaning you won’t waste energy warming your home when you’re not in to feel the benefit.
Thermostats are key
Single room thermostats and thermostatic radiator valves are relatively cheap to install and could help you save a considerable amount of money in the long run. Why spend loads on heating a room you’re not in? Keep the temperature of your room at a base level and just turn the thermostat up in rooms that need some extra heat.
Don’t leave appliances on standby
Switch off TVs, computers, washing machines, dishwashers at the wall… They can all guzzle energy when not even being used.
Get the best out of your radiators
If some radiators in your home are warming up quicker than others, or not chucking out heat like they should, they may need bleeding or balancing. Both of these are free and easy to do and can affect how much money you spend on your heating. You could also invest in radiator reflectors, which direct as much as 95% of ‘wasted’ heat – which would otherwise be lost by the wall behind the radiator – back into the room.
Draught-proof your home
Doors are there to stop draughts – use them! Make sure your doors and windows close properly. If you can’t afford to replace them, consider buying draught excluders – a cheap and efficient way to stop warm air escaping and cold air sneaking in.
Don’t waste water
It costs money to heat water, so don’t let it go down the drain. A few small changes can save a lot of money on bills over the year. Use a washing up bowl rather than washing up under a running tap. Get a water-saving shower head and when possible, take showers instead of baths.
Find more tips here and here.
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